Author Archives: Highlands Farm

Onwards to 2023

What a roller coaster of a year! An extended drought and extreme summer temperatures, three Prime Ministers in a calamitous political period, the death of our Queen after achieving a memorable Platinum Jubilee of her reign and, of course, a new King! Couple that with an economic downturn and industrial unrest of epic proportions and […]

The Dilemma of Uncertainty

We’re hammering through 2022 at a rate of knots! How everything has changed in a short period of time including inflationary elements arising from the aftermath of the pandemic and, the cruel war that Russia is waging against its neighbouring country. The world is in a mess and the knock-on effect on farming is immense! There […]

Looking Forward, not Backwards!

2021 is done and dusted meaning we can look forward with some relief! The Covid saga has dictated many of our lives, whether limitations for family visits, severely impacted socialising or reduced activities and holiday opportunities. A lot has happened here in the last 12 months. The arable side of the business is now being managed by a […]